Tag Archive: Technique

Every photographer craves for razor images. Have you ever wondered out of focus images can sometimes be good than razor sharp ones? Fascinated with blur in digital photography, I thought what if I blur the subject? I love the kind of hazy cinematography portrayed in movies showing the vision of a drunken character. I thought if it did wonders on video it should do the same in still photography too. I went ahead & the results were a treat to watch.

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You might have noticed photographs where subject is pin sharp while the background is hazy giving a feel of motion. Such photographs are known as pan shots. Panning gives the image a dynamic perspective. Panning helps in showing action in still photographs & is often used in sports photography. Though similar to Bokeh but still Panning is way different than Bokeh. Bokeh doesn’t portray motion but panning does.

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I love photography. I love to shoot different genres of photography but my favourite is ‘Tabletop Photography’. Under tabletop photography one is required to photograph an object on a table as the name suggest. Though it sounds a piece of cake its not so easy to do considering you’ve to visualise a lot of things beforehand. Sometimes you may get a perfect picture you want within a few seconds & at times you may end up waiting for hours. I like the challenging nature of tabletop photography & that’s the reason why I love tabletop photography. Recently I shot a tabletop photograph to express my love for the badminton sport. Here is an account of the same which will help you to begin with tabletop photography. I advise to begin with minimal equipment & then jump on to complicated setups. If you’ve a good vision then the possibilities in tabletop(or for the matter any type) photography are virtually endless.

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